SQL > SQL Commands > Between

The BETWEEN operator is used when the filtering criteria is a continuous range with a maximum value and a minimum value. It is always used in the WHERE clause.


The syntax for the BETWEEN operator is as follows:

SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
WHERE "column_name" BETWEEN 'max_value' AND 'min_value';

This will select all rows whose column has a value between 'min_value' and 'max_value.' Please note the order: 'min_value' needs to be listed before AND and 'max_value.' needs to be listed after. If the order is switched, the SQL statement is still valid, but will not give the desired results.


We use the following table for our examples.

Table Store_Information

 Store_Name  Sales  Txn_Date 
 Los Angeles  1500  Jan-05-1999 
 San Diego  250  Jan-07-1999 
 San Francisco  300  Jan-08-1999 
 Boston  700  Jan-08-1999 

Example 1

To select view all sales information between January 6, 1999, and January 10, 1999, we key in,

FROM Store_Information
WHERE Txn_Date BETWEEN 'Jan-06-1999' AND 'Jan-10-1999';

Note that date may be stored in different formats in different databases. This tutorial simply choose one of the formats.


Store_Name Sales Txn_Date
San Diego 250 Jan-07-1999
San Francisco 300 Jan-08-1999
Boston 700 Jan-08-1999

BETWEEN is an inclusive operator, meaning that 'value1' and 'value2' are included in the result. If we wish to exclude 'value1' and 'value2' but include everything in between, we need to change the query to the following:

SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
WHERE ("column_name" > 'value1')
AND ("column_name" < 'value2');

Example 2

We can also use the BETWEEN operator to exclude a range of values by adding NOT in front of BETWEEN. In the above example, if we want to show all rows where the Sales column is not between 280 and 1000, we will use the following SQL:

FROM Store_Information
WHERE Sales NOT BETWEEN 280 and 1000;


Store_Name Sales Txn_Date
Los Angeles 1500 Jan-05-1999
San Diego 250 Jan-07-1999


For these exercises, assume we have a table called User_Sales with the following data:

Table User_Sales

 First_Name  Last_Name  Birth_Date  Gender  Join_Date  Total_Sales 
 Sophie  Lee  Jan-05-1960  F  Apr-05-2015  500 
 Richard  Brown  Jan-07-1975  M  Apr-05-2015  200 
 Jamal  Santo  Oct-08-1983  M  Apr-09-2015  350 
 Casey  Healy  Sep-20-1969  M  Apr-09-2015  80 
 Jill  Wilkes  Nov-20-1979  F  Apr-15-2015  210 

1. Which of the following SQL statement is valid? (There can be more than one answer)
a) SELECT * FROM User_Sales WHERE Total_Sales BETWEEN 200 OR 300;
b) SELECT * FROM User_Sales WHERE Total_Sales IS BETWEEN 200 OR 300;
c) SELECT * FROM User_Sales WHERE Total_Sales IS BETWEEN 200 AND 300;
d) SELECT * FROM User_Sales WHERE Total_Sales BETWEEN 200 AND 300;

2. How many records will be returned by the following query?
SELECT * FROM User_Sales WHERE Join_Date BETWEEN 'Apr-05-2015' AND 'Apr-10-2015';

3. How many records will be returned by the following query?
SELECT * FROM User_Sales WHERE Gender = 'F' OR Total_Sales BETWEEN 50 AND 100;

Next: SQL Wildcard

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