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CSS Color |
The color property allows webmasters to define the color of an element in a CSS stylesheet. This property takes values in the following forms:
Both RGB and HSL use three numbers to determine the color. RGBa and HSLa add a fourth number to indicate the level of transparency, with 0 being fully transparent, and 1 being fully opaque. The general syntax for the color property is as follows: Hexadecimal code: {color: #XXXXXX;} where XXXXXX is a hexadecimal code. Color name: {color: [color_name];} where color_name denotes the name of the color in plain English. RGB: {color: rgb (X, Y, Z); } where X, Y, and Z are numbers between 0 and 255.
RGBa: {color: rgba (X, Y, Z, A); } where X, Y, and Z are numbers between 0 and 255, and A is a number between 0 and 1.
HSL: {color: hsl (X, Y%, Z%); } where X is a number between 0 and 360, Y and Z are numbers between 0 and 100. HSLa: {color: hsla (X, Y%, Z%, A); } where X is a number between 0 and 360, Y and Z are numbers between 0 and 100, and A is a number between 0 and 1. Hexadecimal code is a 6-character (or 3-character when the first two, the middle two, and the last two codes of the 6-character presentation are all the same. For example, #FFF and #FFFFFF both mean white) code specifying the color. This hexadecimal color chart shows how hexadecimal codes correspond to the colors they render. Below are examples showing different ways to specify a color.
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