CSS Line-Height Property

CSS Tutorial  >  Text  >  Line-height

The line-height property specifies the amount of space between the baselines of two lines. A baseline is the bottom of most letters. The figure below illustrates what line-height represents:

CSS Line Height Illustration

Note that line-height is not the amount of space between two lines.

Possible values for line-height include the following:

  • A number: the amount of space between baselines is equal to this number multiplied by the font size. Negative numbers are ignored, while decimals are allowed. While it is permissible to set a number that is very small (close to zero), doing so would cause the lines to overlap each other and hence is usually not a good idea.
  • A percentage: the amount of space between baselines is equal to this percentage multiplied by the font size.
  • A length: this is the absolute length between baselines. Unlike the other two types of values, it is not dependent on font size.

We show several examples below.

Example 1: Using a number for line-height

CSS Declaration

p {
  line-height: 2;

The following HTML code,

<p>This paragraph illustrates setting the amount of space between two lines using a number.


This paragraph illustrates setting the amount of space between two lines using a number.

In Example 1, we set line-height to 2, which is equivalent to using double space between lines.

Example 2: Using a percentage for line-height

CSS Declaration

p {
  line-height: 80%;

The following HTML code,

<p>This paragraph illustrates setting the amount of space between two lines using a percentage.


This paragraph illustrates setting the amount of space between two lines using a percentage.

In Example 2, we set line-height to 80%, and that causes the lines to appear to be squeezed together.

Example 3: Using a length for line-height

CSS Declaration

p {
  line-height: 45px;

The following HTML code,

<p>This paragraph illustrates setting the amount of space between two lines using a length.


This paragraph illustrates setting the amount of space between two lines using a length.

In Example 3, we set line-height to 45px. When using an absolute length for line-height, be extra cautious as you need to make sure the amount of space between lines is compatible with the font size.

Next: CSS Text-Align

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