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CSS Font |
Common ways of manipulating font properties in CSS include the following: Each is described in detail below: font-familyThe font-family property specifies the type of the font.
font-sizeThe font-size property specifies the size of the font. The size can be numerical (length or percentage), or in text (possible values are "xx-large", "x-large", "large", "medium", "small", "x-small", and "xx-small").
font-weightThe font-weight property specifies the thickness of the font. Font weight can go from 100 to 900, with 900 being the thickest. One can also specify "bold", "bolder", or "normal". Examples below:
font-styleThe font-style property specifies whether the font is italic or oblique.
font-variantThe font-variant property specifies whether the font will be displayed in small caps. Small caps mean that all letters will be displayed in the capital case, but the font size is smaller than usual. The possible values are 'small-caps' and 'normal'. Let's look at the example below. With the following CSS,
the HTML code below,
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